VMMNA is excited to announce the details for the Victorian State Team Trials for the AMMNA 2022 Championships.
In order to be eligible for selection, you will be required to register using the link below. Please note that registrations close on Thursday 21st October. Any nominations after this date will not be considered.
In preparation for trials, and given the overwhelmingly positive response from last year, we are implementing squad training sessions prior to selections. This will include three outdoor group sessions in your age group/division on the following dates:
- 31st October
- 7th November
- 14th November
The venue and time of these training sessions are to be confirmed. It is important to remember that attendance and performance at these sessions will be considered as part of the selection process.
The formal selections will occur at the State Netball Hockey Centre on the following dates (time to be confirmed):
- 21st November
- 28th November
As you may have seen on AMMNA communications, there are currently discussions regarding an ’35 & Over’ age division at the 2022 Championships. Given this, we are currently seeking expressions of interest regarding a VMMNA 35 & Over Team. Please note, this will be dependent on the number of applicants received and you will be advised on whether to attend trials for this.
I appreciate that there are questions related to restrictions and requirements for return to netball. It is expected that the Victorian Government will soon announce a position on vaccination requirements in regards to any individual involved in both professional and/or community sport. It is anticipated that there will be a requirement to be vaccinated to participate in any community netball activity. We will keep you updated once we have further information regarding this, however, we encourage you to look out for any announcements from the Government.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Tour manager Sonya Febbo via phone (0419 670 097) or email (tourmanager@vmmna.org) to discuss further.